Product Brochures & Guides


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LabTecta 66IAP 66OAP  : Product Brochure

The air purge control panel is designed for use with the LabTecta®66 IAP/OAP bearing protectors.

LabTecta WBH - DWU  : Product Brochure

The LabTecta WBH and LabTecta DWU has been specifically designed for the Warman WBH and Warman DWU pump range

LabTecta 66PB  : Product Brochure

Designed for bearing blocks specifically engineered to absorb the misalignment and maximise the performance of the seal

LabTecta 66AX  : Product Brochure

Many industrial equipment applications have axial movement and thermal expansion of the shaft, specifically on the non-drive end.

LabTecta ST  : Product Brochure

LabTecta 66ST developed designs specifically designed for steam turbine applications

LabTecta 66FS  : Product Brochure

“oil flooded” bearing chambers on equipment such as gearboxes.

LabTecta 66IAP 66OAP  : Product Brochure

LabTecta 66OAP is specifically designed for use in extreme environments and applications where contamination may completely cover the seal.

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